At ETPC we value our European Champions. Listed below are the years and the event and country that hosted the European Championship that year. If you click on Champions you go to a page that presents the Champions for that particular year.

Year Place Country
2025 YSSELSTEYN The Netherlands
2023 BRANDE Denmark Champions
2019 BRANDE Denmark Champions
2018 ALPHEN (NB) The Netherlands Champions
2017 STROE The Netherlands Champions
2016 GREAT ECCELSTON Great Britain Champions
2015 BRANDE Denmark Champions
2014 BOUCONVILLE France Champions
2013 ZELE Belgium Champions
2012 FÜCHTORF Germany Champions
2011 ALAHÄRMÄ Finland Champions
2010 EKERÖD Sweden Champions
2009 BAKEL The Netherlands Champions
2008 BRYNE Norway Champions
2007 HERNING Denmark Champions
2006 LUBERSAC France Champions
2005 GREAT ECCLESTON Great Britain Champions
2004 FÜCHTORF Germany Champions
2003 ALAHÄRMÄ Finland Champions
2002 BAKEL The Netherlands Champions
2001 HÖRBY Sweden Champions
2000 HERNING Denmark Champions
1999 BOUCONVILLE France Champions
1998 GREAT ECCLESTON Great Britain Champions
1997 ERKELENZ-HOLZWEILER Germany Champions
1996 JURVA Finland Champions
1995 HÖRBY Sweden Champions
1994 WALIBI FLEVO The Netherlands Champions
1993 HERNING Denmark Champions
1992 BERNAY France Champions
1991 GREAT ECCLESTON Great Britain Champions
1990 NÜRBURGRING Germany Champions
1989 FLEVOHOF The Netherlands Champions
1988 AMBOISE France Champions
1987 HÖRBY Sweden Champions
1986 KENILWORTH Great Britain Champions
1985 FLEVOHOF The Netherlands Champions
1984 HAMM Germany Champions
1983 KENILWORTH Great Britain Champions
1982 FLEVOHOF The Netherlands Champions
1981 HAMM Germany Champions
1980 MANCHESTER Great Britain Champions
1979 FLEVOHOF The Netherlands Champions