We as ETPC are proud to announce our new main sponsor Alliance! This means that the upcoming season we will have the Alliance Euro cup series 2025. Yokohama – ATG is a business unit of OHT Division of Yokohama Rubber co. Ltd, Japan (YRC). This business unit is a collection of fully owned..
Pulling in Italy
We are very proud to announce our newest guest member for the coming three years. In our spring meeting the new Italian organisation ATPI has given a speech to the other member country’s about their future plans for the coming years. They agreed that the ATPI is now a guest member of the ETPC. We..
Competitors 2025
After the great news that we will have an European Championship this year. We are very pleased to announce that seven classes have had good numbers of registrations for the Eurocup Series 2025: Light Modified Heavy Modified Mini Modified Superstock Prostock 3.6 T Supersport 4.5 T Supersport All photos and competitors are updated! Click here..
We are pleased to announce that 6 of the eight classes have had good numbers of registrations and we are pleased to confirm these as part of the Eurocup Series 2024: Light Modified Heavy Modified Superstock Prostock 3.6 T Supersport 4.5 T Supersport The Mini Modified &Limited Superstock classes did not have enough registrations so..
Ready for the coming season
All competitors and events for the 2023 Mitas Eurocup Series are known. You can find the complete calendar and all competitors on our website. The ETPC wishes all teams a good and fair competition. We hope many pulling fans will follow and enjoy coming season!
Registration Forms 2023
Eurocup subscribers please return the Registration together with the Statement of release document to your National Organisation!
2023 Mitas Eurocup Series calendar
The 2023 Mitas Eurocup Series calendar as we currently have it confirmed as far as dates/events/classes is on our website. All classes apart from Prostock have at least 3 rounds confirmed so will be run, currently we are not in a position to offer the Prostock class as part of the Eurocup Series for 2023…
ETPC Rulebook changes for 2023
A new rulebook for 2023 will not be printed, the supplement on our website (Tech & Safety) can be used in conjunction with the current 2022 Rulebook which is also on this ETPC website.
Updated Limited Superstock (LSS) Rules
The initial ETPC rules for this new class were set in 2020 and with the rapid development of the class and increase in tractor numbers it was felt necessary to update the rules accordingly. Following a review by the LSS working group the rules have now been updated and will be implemented for the 2023..
ETPC Rulebook 2022
ETPC Rulebook 2022 is also digital on this website. You can find it on the Tech & Safety-page.