The ETPC has taken the decision to make a change in the organisation in Italy for 2023.
Next to our member ITPO we have another organisation PPI (Power Pulling Italia) who will be a prospect member. Both organisations will run their own championship and are able to subscribe tractors for the Eurocup series.
This unique situation is new for Tractor Pulling in Europe, but with this construction we want to achieve a further development of the sport in Italy. During the 2023 season both organisations will be supported by the ETPC and our goal is to create a situation where the future of Tractor Pulling is secured for the years to come. There are several options to achieve that common goal and this will be monitored during the pulling season and discussed at the end of the season. Both organisations will run their championship according the rules as published in the ETPC rulebook, like all other ETPC members.
The ETPC Daily Board is looking forward to a constructive cooperation.